So, I’ve been following a thread on the ATMakers FB page about a Switched Bubble Machine. Lots of great info for a maker like me.
The latched and/or timed switches appear to have been around for quite some time. Me being me, I felt the solutions need to be revisited. During my research, two things kept popping up: cost and features.
So, I’ve got a working prototype which has all the features that I’ve seen so far (except machine learning–which is an excellent idea). Jack for input, another for output. Both 3.5mm-1/8″. Adjustment for duration and modes (passthru, timed, latched). User feedback, both visual and audio. Compact. And it runs on 2 AA batteries (and can run on 4, for extended use).
For the users: What features would you like to see in a smarter timed switch?
For the techies, it’s got a QT PY samd21. All parts sourced from Amazon or electronics suppliers (digikey, mouser, allied, etc). All current, and available, production parts.
Feedback is appreciated.