Newest version of Joycon-style stick posted (SCAD, STLs, and INO). Tested with the XBOX Adaptive Controller (XAC). Connects via USB port on side and acts as analog stick (either L or R, depending on what port you plug into). Files posted at:
Big Thanks also go out to those who helped debug my connection problems (stick to board) — 90% of the problems were related to that part. Once I had solid connections, I had solid readings (no floating). The de-soldered USB board idea has been the best bet (barring custom PCBs). A custom PCB would save a lot of headache, but that is for another time.
Got two more XAC analog sticks out the door for xmas. These use the JoyCon style replacement stick, as the user needed smaller and less tension. Pro Micro/Leo inside. Code & models in github.
Code and SCAD are working and posted for the Pseudolog converter.
Takes 4 switch inputs (ex. joystick u/d/l/r) and converts to pseudo analog joystick (the longer you hold, the more it swings to limits). Sensitivity adjusted by slide pot on top. Acts like a USB stick on the XAC.
The wiring is a little patchwork, as I changed my mind mid-soldering. Basically, jacks and pot go to Analog inputs of Pro Micro. Pot and jacks supplied with VCC. Full reading (1023) used to trigger. I used Analog inputs on purpose — so that I can use this for other projects.
I threw in a NeoPixel, because, why not? I’ve not coded the pixel yet.
At long last I’ve revisited my problem with getting the Arduino Leonardo / Pro Micro to work with the XBOX Adaptive Controller (XAC). This code now works with the XAC! Huzzah!
Important: Folks have been having issues with copy-and-paste. WordPress is sticking in formatting, and I can’t get it to upload an ICO, so head over to github for the code:
More to come. I’m working on a Nintendo JoyCon Joystick version for a user with limited mobility.
Feb 3, 2022 Update: The copy and paste of the code has been causing problems. Please head over to github for the code. Note: The fancier code, which handles weirdness with JoyCon replacement sticks, is also up there. Look for JoyConStick_Converter_ForXBOXAC_v2D.